On livetipsportal.com we provide daily advice, betting tips and analysis on more than 50 football competitions in 9 languages. Currently we are looking for experts to join and strengthen our editorial tipster team.
Your profile:
- 100% enthusiastic and passionate about sports, especially football
- follow domestic and international matches on a regular basis (watching or reading)
- visit football websites, forums and blogs daily
- have good grammar and eloquent writing skills to get across your analysis and reviews in your mother tongue and English
- enjoy Sports betting (preferably already an expert with a feeling for relevant statistics)
- working from home with your own computer is fine for you (daily access to internet is required)
- 100% reliable, exact and stick to our deadlines in delivering your content
What we offer:
- you may work from home and can define your working hours
- you may choose your favorite games and competitions
- you will get fair compensation for your tips
If you want to be part of our team, send us your application (covering letter and CV in English) and let us know what you got. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
You are interested, but don’t have any writing experience yet?
No worries, you have the chance to prove yourself in our trial system. Feel free to send us an email in case you have any doubt.